Red lipstick all on the paper
A red obsession k
Ok, I have recently come to my sense. I like red ok, maybe
even love red. I tried to explain my fascination for the colour but it just
comes down to the fact that it may be my favourite in the colour wheel. Its bright, it cheers me up and makes me feel
oh so cheeky and womanly, ever since I started buying red nail polish I’ve
really fallen in love with the colour, I’ve even started to match my lips
aswell. One of my friends has never really been ‘red shy’, so has not been
afraid to rock bright or deep scarlet pout on show while I always felt it made
me look a bit...well desperate for male attention if that makes sense. But it
takes a fierce spirit to proudly rock red...and I believe that I am getting
there now
The other day I attempted to dye my hair using a dark and
lovely product, I bought two boxes one in red hot rhythm and the other honey
bronze, surprisingly I love the colour it, the red hot rhythm showed up a lot
more and made my hair ends look a deep reddish, henna brown colour. It’s
definitely encouraged my love for red even more!
So I’m just gonna evaluate life and what makes read such a
lively, inspiring and bold brash colour and why I am simply in love with it.
One reason I have denied red is because I feel I do not have
the ‘red’ personality for it, I’m not loud, very outgoing or cheeky but maybe
deep down I do have those qualities and haven’t assessed them yet:
Shades of red which I love:
My top shade of red which I adore: I’m a bright red girl FO
My red lipstick:
fire cracker-topshop:
Cherry red-Revlon:
Golden rose-69:
sleek o.m.g :
People who rock red whom I love....primadonna girl
Florence Welch
Marylin Monroe
What read symbolizes for me and in general